Student Government Director of Governmental Affairs Colby Brandt and Will Vlasek defeated Vice Speaker Josie Pursley and Sen. Erik Rowles by 19 votes for president and vice president, according to preliminary results announced on the Election Commission’s Instagram on Friday and online at the Senate’s website.
In a statement on the Brandt-Vlasek Instagram page, the two said, “We are beyond excited and incredibly grateful to announce that with YOUR support, Colby Brandt and Will Vlasek are your new Iowa State Student Body President and Vice President! This victory is a testament to the incredible strength and unity of Cyclone Nation. We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you who believed in our vision for a safer, more supportive, and more involved Iowa State. We’re ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work for YOU. Together, we’ll make Iowa State the best it can be for every student. Let’s go, Cyclones!”
Pursley will continue to represent students as a United Residents Off-Campus (UROC) senator, and Rowles will continue to represent students as a College of Design Senator.
Their joint statement on the Pursley-Rolwes Instagram page said, “The election results have been released, and while we secured a large amount of the vote, it was not enough to put us into office. It was the closest election at Iowa State since 1991! We’d like to formally congratulate the other slate, and thank each and every one of you for your support. We will continue to work toward our goals of making a safer, more accessible, more engaging Iowa State as senators.”
According to the results, 3,690 students–12.97% of all eligible voters–voted, which is 278 more voters than in last year’s election.
In terms of Senate candidates, every constituency was filled, with 16 write-ins and two ties.
As stated in the preliminary data by the election commission, “All write-in winners are provisional pending verification of eligibility and acceptance of the seat by the write-in candidate.”
Current Student Government President Martin Hursh tied with Cody Messer, both as write-ins for Inter-Residence Hall Senator. Grant Juon and Roy Barron both tied as write-ins for the College of Health and Human Sciences.