Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2023 Volunteerism in the Arts Award.

The winner will be announced on September 23rd at the Vancouver Community Hub Kickoff Party for Culture Days at the Strathcona Raycam Centre in Vancouver, BC. The winner will receive a $500 cash award plus complimentary access to all upcoming Alliance for Arts and Culture workshops and professional activities.

The $500 annual award is intended to support the future professional development of the recipient by providing funds to be used toward attendance at an arts and culture related conference, training session or networking opportunity. Eligible applicants must be currently volunteering at a BC-based arts and culture organization, and wishing to further their education or experience within the arts and culture sector. 

Cultural organizations are encouraged to nominate an exceptional volunteer. Please provide a letter of support recognizing the nominee’s contribution to your organization, and why they are worthy of consideration. Volunteers who wish to be considered for the award should reach out to the organization they volunteer for. 

Thanks to the vision of the fund advisors, the Volunteerism in the Arts Award has been established in recognition of the outstanding contributions that are made by volunteers at arts and cultural events across BC each year.

Click here for the application form. 

Submissions close on September 18, 2023.

The award is administered by BC Alliance for Arts + Culture and Vancouver Foundation. The award was founded by the organizing committee at the Celebrate Volunteerism Conference. 

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