In an extraordinary twist of history, a Des Moines man and his secret wartime unit are stepping into the limelight decades after their silent service in World War II. The Ghost Army, a clandestine troop that played a pivotal role in deceiving and outmaneuvering German forces, is being honored with the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian accolade in the United States.

The Enigmatic Ghost Army

The Ghost Army, a covert unit comprising 1,100 members, was instrumental in conducting 25 battlefield deceptions across Europe. Using an array of tactics such as inflatable tanks, sound effects, and fake radio transmissions, they successfully mislead German troops, saving countless lives and contributing to the Allied victory. The innovative techniques and creative prowess of these soldiers, including artists, engineers, and draftees, underscored a unique blend of artistry and warfare.

John T. Cantrell: A Silent Hero

Among these silent warriors was John T. Cantrell of Des Moines, a radio operator whose story encapsulates the bravery and sacrifice of the Ghost Army. Cantrell’s post-war life was marked by modesty and dedication to his community, embodying the spirit of the countless unsung heroes of the war. Despite receiving five battle stars for his valor, Cantrell, like his comrades, remained bound by an oath of secrecy, his heroic deeds shrouded in mystery until long after the war.

Recognition Long Overdue

Thanks to the relentless efforts of advocates like Rick Beyer of The Ghost Army Legacy Project and the passionate involvement of Iowa high schooler Caleb Sinnwell, the tale of the Ghost Army is finally emerging from the shadows. The impending ceremony at the U.S. Capitol, although posthumous for many, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of these ingenious soldiers.

The Ghost Army Legacy Project: Preserving History

The Ghost Army Legacy Project, founded by Beyer, has been instrumental in bringing the remarkable story of the Ghost Army to public attention. Through educational initiatives and collaborations, the project ensures that the ingenuity and courage of these soldiers continue to inspire future generations.

Reflections on Valor and Ingenuity

The recognition of the Ghost Army and John T. Cantrell’s contributions serves as a poignant reminder of the countless untold stories of bravery and innovation during the darkest times. As we honor these heroes, we celebrate the power of creativity, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity.
