Student Government failed to provide additional funding for WinterFest, passed a sergeant-at-arms position that an ROTC member will hold and sat three senators on committees during Wednesday’s Senate meeting.

The annual event, WinterFest, requested $4,500 for food and beverage and $500 for decorations from Student Government. As the organization wants to utilize more rooms in the Memorial Union, the additional funding for the decorations would cover the expenses for those rooms.

Alicia Liu, treasurer of WinterFest, said with a set theme called “cozy cabin,” it will take more funding to bring that theme to life. 

“The additional $500 we’re asking for now is because we have a set theme when in the past it was just basic stuff like balloons, signage, that sort of stuff,” Liu said.

Student Government failed to approve the additional $500 to decorate the Memorial Union for the annual event. However, the event was approved for the $4,500 in funds. WinterFest will be held at the Memorial Union on Friday, Dec. 6. 

Student Government also passed a bill with a vote of 17-2-1, introduced by the Speaker of the House. Alexandra Momaney, a senior in global resource systems, to have a Sergeant at Arms position to recite the pledge of allegiance at every Senate meeting. A member of ROTC will hold the position. 

The Speaker stated that the position would not make them an official member of Student Government and would only be present at the meetings to recite the pledge. Sen. Jake Snyder, a junior in public relations, voiced that having this position within the Senate is unnecessary.

“I think it’s quite unnecessary for us to have a connection to an organization we don’t fund and don’t have a prior connection to,” Snyder said. “We have a standing tradition, and I say we stick with it.” 

A resolution to congratulate the football team on their historic 7-0 start to the season was tabled until the end of the season with a vote of 11-8-4. The resolution did not pass because of the superstition of congratulating the team midway through the season.

“Congratulating a team midseason is not a good omen, and we do not want to cause anything,” said Sen. Hemanthsai Peddasani, a sophomore in computer engineering. 

The Indian Student Association was approved $112.50 in funding for a Dandiya Event. The funds will be used for booking AV technicians. 

Other business

Sen. Danial Shamsaei, a PhD candidate in analytical chemistry, was seated on the Health and Wellness committee. 

The following senators sat on the Public Relations committee:

  • Sen. Luke Cronin, a sophomore in accounting
  • Sen. Kevin O’Conner, a sophomore in chemical engineering

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