Should you still use Advantage Campaign Budget? The answer is complicated…
What is Advantage Campaign BudgetAdvantage Campaign Budget (formerly Campaign Budget Optimization) automatically manages your Facebook campaign budget across ad sets to get you the overall best results. More?
In the standard campaignThe campaign is the foundation of your Facebook ad. This is where you’ll set an advertising objective, which defines what you want your ad to achieve. More construction, budgets are set individually in the ad set.
Advantage Campaign BudgetA budget is an amount you’re willing to spend on your Facebook campaigns or ad sets on a daily or lifetime basis. More allows you to set a campaign budget that applies to all ad setsAn ad set is a Facebook ads grouping where settings like targeting, scheduling, optimization, and placement are determined. More within it. Your budget will be distributed optimally between ad sets to get you the best possible results.
Is It Still Relevant?
But the question is whether the conditions for using this are still relevant. Advantage Campaign Budget (then Campaign Budget OptimizationThe Performance Goal is chosen within the ad set and determines optimization and delivery. How you optimize impacts who sees your ad. Meta will show your ad to people most likely to perform your desired action. More) was first made available before certain developments that make it less necessary.
First, Meta wants you to avoid creating multiple ad sets by audienceThis is the group of people who can potentially see your ads. You help influence this by adjusting age, gender, location, detailed targeting (interests and behaviors), custom audiences, and more. More because it leads to audience fragmentation.
Second, creating multiple ad sets for the purpose of segmenting audiences is less necessary now due to frequent audience expansion. If you create multiple ad sets with expanded audiences, you’ll end up with Auction Overlap.
The overall recommendation is to limit unnecessary ad sets. In a perfect world, you will only have one ad set in a campaign. But there are always exceptions.
When you have an exception, consider Advantage Campaign Budget. An example could be needing to create multiple ad sets based on country or product grouping.
This way, you aren’t forcing the algorithm to spend a certain amount by ad set. The budget will be distributed optimally between them.
Do you still use Advantage Campaign Budget? If so, when?