The sun is out in the evenings, the air is warm and students at Iowa State are embracing every minute of it.
Walking through campus over the past couple of days, campus-goers have seen runners, sun tanners and groups of friends hanging out all around campus. Students have also been spotted playing spikeball outside of Seasons Marketplace, reading on blankets in Richardson Court and eating meals outside. Sunglasses have made a reappearance and shorts are becoming the norm again.
This winter, Ames experienced a flip-flop of temperatures. There were many canceled classes due to bad weather, including last week.
Maddie Morris and Autumn Gustafson, both first year environmental science majors, were seen enjoying the sun on central campus.
“I’ve been much happier and I feel more productive,” Morris said. “A few days ago, all my friends and I went on a walk and we went around greek triangle… It was really nice just to see everyone out and about.”
Clocks were changed for daylight saving and students said goodbye to the early sunsets. Lighter evenings bring more incentive.
“It motivates me more to get my assignments done so I can go outside,” Morris said. “It’s like we’re defrosting.”
That seemed to be the consensus among students.
“I’ve been a lot more productive because I actually want to stay on campus when it’s warm out,” Gustafson said.
Olivia Brcka, a senior pursuing a double major in agricultural and rural policy studies and political science, noticed how her energy has increased. She’s been studying outside, and enjoying the lack of slush when she walks her dog. She also feels more outgoing.
“I notice in my apartment building everybody has their windows open so you can hear people talking, people are playing basketball out in our basketball court, everybody is just hanging out with each other more,” Brcka said.
Social lives have also become more active with the warming weather.
“I see my friends a lot more, I’ve been going to their dorms and houses just because it’s warmer and I’m more inclined to go outside,” Gustafson said.
This behavior is common for Iowa State students as the weather warms up each spring. Brcka has noticed the activity increase in the spring through all four of her years here.
Spring break is just around the corner for Iowa State students and midterm season is in full swing. As temperatures continue to rise, expect to see more and more activity throughout campus.