In the lead up to and wake of hurricanes Helene and Milton, a number of high-profile individuals have spread word of a grand conspiracy to sway the 2024 election by using controlled weather patterns to hurt the primarily Republican south. 

It suffices to say this conspiracy does not have any evidence backing it. Democrats do not possess the technical or moral capacity to commit such an attack. These blatantly ludicrous claims have done much to disturb public trust, especially in the affected areas. Beyond falsely attributing natural disasters which have killed hundreds and displaced thousands to a particular political party, these ill-thought-out assertions have included slander against FEMA as well. 

These conspirators believe, or at least claim to believe, that FEMA is engaged in some form of organized effort against Republicans and the people of the U.S. more generally. These lies have culminated in a tragic escalation, with at least one armed individual threatening to attack FEMA and National Guard personnel. These latter agencies were forced to abandon their search and rescue efforts, leaving the locals to suffer for days. Let me speak plainly: this is terrorism – domestic terrorism of the most stupid and pointless sort imaginable. 

There are two other terms as well: treason and rebellion. Those who would commit such an unprovoked attack against government forces and volunteers constitutes an act of rebellion. These radicals, through their own paranoia and fear of a government conspiracy, have engaged in dangerous acts that put innocent peoples’ lives at risk. These dangerous lies and those who would seek to act upon them must be stopped, or else we risk allowing this treasonous rot to spread and escalate. Those who have provoked and encouraged these actions must stop immediately for the sake of our country, and instead, they should put greater thought into their statements in the future.

I must make it clear how terrible this situation is. Innocent law-abiding citizens were effectively held hostage by armed militias seeking to murder government officials. All of this in the midst of a terrible natural disaster, and all the while the instigators are continuing to spread false and dangerous information.

One such idea is that the source of alleged weather control technology is the network of Doppler Radar Arrays. Several people have encouraged acts of terrorism to destroy these essential and expensive devices which provide life-saving advanced warning for severe weather. If you or someone you know believes that Doppler Radar is, in fact, a government conspiracy to control the weather, you are wrong. It should not need to be said, but alas, it does. Do not commit domestic terrorism against Doppler Radar Systems. Do not fire upon government emergency or military personnel. These are acts of treason. 

If you know anyone currently planning or who are actively engaged in these sorts of attacks, please encourage them to stand down and turn themselves in. These are hard enough times as is. We do not need Americans killing Americans over idiotic conspiracies of weather control.

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