WESTFORD – The following press release was shared by the office of Rep. James Arciero for publication.

State Representative James Arciero was presented the 2024 Legislator of the  Year award by the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Department of Massachusetts at their  annual Joseph R. Harold Awards Banquet held in Leominster.

The DAV is the oldest, largest Veterans’ wartime service organization in the country. Founded in  1920, the DAV organization proposes and promotes legislation that benefits injured Veterans and  their families. They have been a pivotal group in assisting Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress  Disorder (PTSD) for over five decades, being instrumental in developing the primary treatment  program still used by the federal Veterans Administration to this day.

“I am deeply honored to be named DAV’s Legislator of the Year. American Veterans are the bravest among us and as a proud member of a military family, I know firsthand the sacrifice  families make when their members are overseas and in harm’s way,” said Arciero.

Recently, Arciero joined his House colleagues in passing the historic and comprehensive Veterans bill which is now under consideration by the State Senate.

The legislation, House Bill 4671, An Act honoring, empowering, and recognizing our service  members and veterans, also known as the HERO Act, increases veteran and family benefits in  many areas, such as guaranteeing medical assistance, behavioral health, dental and vision  benefits and creates an annual Gold Star family recognition day with appropriate recognition of  their loss.

Representative Arciero previously championed a mental health bill to include PTSD training  curriculum for counselors at 29 public colleges and universities in Massachusetts to address the  challenges of returning Veterans entering higher education programs. He’s funded $400 million  in construction of a Soldiers Home for Veterans in Holyoke and funded $50,000 in renovations  for Littleton World War I monument and Westlawn Cemetery Veteran grave markers.

His support for Gold Star families is unwavering and he continues to work with local Veteran  Service Officers to help Veterans and their families in the Second Middlsex District.

“Thank you to the DAV for this very special honor. I will continue to ensure the Commonwealth  of Massachusetts continues to lead the nation in taking care of our Veterans and their families,”  said Arciero.

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