Anna Royer, a public health intern at Mary Greeley, devoted her summer to installing a universal changing table inside the Memorial Union with the help and funding of Student Government.

“A universal changing table serves a similar function as an infant changing table, but the benefit… is that it is equipped to fit people of all ages and all sizes,” Royer said. “What this allows for is individuals who have a need for assisted toileting have a clean dignified space to use the restroom when they’re out in their community.”

The project began in February, when Royer reached out to Anna Spahn, then-director of Health and Wellness for Student Government, regarding the table.

Royer began working with Student Government to ensure a good table placement. The Memorial Union is almost 100 years old, which added to the difficulty of finding a proper location for the table, Royer stated.

Royer and Spahn had to work closely to find a location that was properly outfitted to support the almost seven-foot-long changing table.

“I read a statement from Anna in front of the Senate, and they agreed,” Spahn said. “It passed unanimously in the Senate, we were able to work out some of the logistics, and the table was delivered in July.”

The changing table was eventually placed in the gender-neutral bathroom, right in front of the Memorial Union information desk. Royer and Spahn wanted to ensure that the table was accessible to people of all genders and abilities. They said that the location of this bathroom was both accessible and gender-neutral.

“I had the opportunity to pick a passion project,” Royer said. “I picked this project because my siblings are disabled and this was a need that they had growing up, and I definitely see a need for it in the Story County community.”

Because of this passion project, students and guests who require assisted toileting have a clean and dignified location to use the restroom, Royer said.

For more information about Mary Greeley Medical Center, check out their website.

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