Student Government spent $159,755.95 this semester and made legislative progress on most of the goals Student Government President Martin Hursh campaigned on in the spring — except the free campus concert for students.
Iowa State University students pay a $49 activity fee each semester on their UBill, totaling more than $2.6 million annually. This revenue is distributed by the Senate to fund various campus organizations and services.
Here’s an overview of what they spent it on as of Nov. 6.
- $19,494.62 for the Big XII Student Government Conference Oct. 10-12.
- $1,346.40 toward the Student Government expo.
- $5,187.56 for the parking ticket relief program.
- $2,485 for the Diwali event held by the Indian Student Association (ISA).
- ISA was also funded $112.50 for a Dandiya Event.
- $435.01 for the Water Polo Club to cover tournament fees and other costs.
- $4,462.50 in funding for The Navigators, a Christian fellowship organization. The organization did not receive any funding during the annual allocation process.
- Iowa State Tennis Club received $1,350 in funding to utilize the Ames High School tennis courts.
- $187.56 for the “Message to the Mayor” program.
- $1,283.79 in funding for the Men’s Rugby Team. The team will use the funds for registration and insurance costs for USA Rugby.
- The women’s softball club was given $1,675.22, as they did not receive any funding from the annual allocation process at the beginning of the semester.
- The Iowa State blood drive requested sponsorship and funding of $6,149 from the Senate.
- $6,205.33 in funding for the Iowa State Equestrian Club hunt team to cover facility, equipment and transportation fees.
- $459.69 for the Equestrian Club western team for travel costs.
- The Water Polo Club had $2,750 of funding for their registration fees to the Collegiate Water Polo Association.
- The Muslim Student Association received $150.80 in funding to cover reservation fees for a private event at Beyer Hall.
- $99,512 of funding for student engagement
- $1,150 for the Neurodivergent Student Support Organization
- $1,840 of funding for catering Puerto Rican Cultural Night, as requested by the Puerto Rican Student Association.
- $250 dollars for the Vex U Cyber Robotics Club to be spent on team registration fees.
- $300 to be spent on supplies for the Letters of Love club, an organization that provides emotional support for children in local hospitals with hand-written cards from students.
- TREND Magazine was approved for $6,246.17 in funding. The publication will use the funds to cover the printing costs of its annual 210-page issue.
The Senate also launched a parking ticket relief program, “Message to the Mayor” and a food insecurity task force.
The pilot parking ticket relief program, not yet available to students, requires an application to the program and to work two to three hours, depending on the parking ticket, at the Students Helping Our Peers (SHOP), a student-run food pantry on campus. The proposed program will only cover one parking ticket per student per academic year of up to $60.
The “Message to the Mayor” is a new submission that allows students to submit suggestions to city council and give input on local issues.
According to the Student Government website, the food insecurity task force is “hard at work collaborating with key partners as they recommend actions to reduce food insecurity at Iowa State University.”
Student Government President Martin Hursh, a junior studying economics, ran on a few key platform points. Some include the food insecurity task force, the “Message to the Mayor” program, a roommate compatibility form, bringing more restaurant options to campus and free concerts for students at Jack Trice Stadium.
No legislation was introduced to the Senate regarding a free student concert at Jack Trice Stadium.
The Senate will reconvene on Jan. 22 in the Memorial Union at 6 p.m.