• Authorizes the Secretary of State to cancel a programs participants certification for any of the following reasons (Sec. 2): 

  • Establishes that unless restored by the governor or president of the United States, any convicted felon is disqualified from holding office (Sec. 7). 

  • Prohibits a voter from voting for more than one candidate if only one person is to be elected (Sec. 12). 

  • Requires any vote that violates the aforementioned term to not be counted (Sec. 12). 

  • Establishes that elections are no longer to be conducted using rank choice voting or instant runoff voting (Sec.12). 

  • Requires the commissioner to mail absentee ballots not more than twenty-two days before the election (Sec. 17). 

  • Establishes that all absentee ballots must be enclosed in an unsealed affidavit envelope (Sec. 17). 

  • Requires voters requesting absentee ballots to sign the registered voter’s voter verification number on the affidavit envelope (Sec. 17). 

  • Requires the commission to notify the voter if the ballot is rejected prior to opening (Sec. 34). 

  • Source link
